I Love this game
This game is something me and my friends play all the time, and I love it. I recently got it to practice and I can safely say I am addicted to collecting trophies. There are so many of them and it is so hard to get coins. This game is awesome.
Not too Impressed
Ok, so as usual Bruce Willis did a really good job at playing his part. I like the plot and it did have that mysterious kind of sci-fi feel but there was just something missing. The first thing I noticed is the crappy choice of music, which made the movie confuse you at times. The action sequences had some sort of goofy comedic soundtrack. Is this bad for the character or am I spouse to laugh? I think the movie could have been 10 times better with a more appropriate choice of music. It seems a lot of people really like this movie, but it just didnt do that much for me.
It was good for a sci-fi channel flick
Um, I just happened across this movie on the sci-fi channel, which it is a sci-fi channel original. It was pretty good. I thought it was going to be something created from a lab or something like that, but it was actually set in medieval times. The only thing I didnt like is how they portrayed the beast. It was a more realistic way of what a minotaur could have been, but I would have liked to see a more traditional minotaur. Overall, not that bad of a movie. If you see it playing on TV, I would suggest just go ahead and watch it.
Well, Funny some, distasteful a lot
Despite the one or two funny moments, this movie was crazily wrong on so many levels. I like Jack Black as an actor and I enjoy 1 or 2 Tenacious D hits, but I mean this movie is just not good. The F-Word is used like a million times, there are drugs all over the place, and it is just overall not my cup of tea.
Not Really that Great
Ok, so this movie had enought action, but it really didnt have that 'feel' going on. Plot twists and turns, and a little suspense to hold you over. To be honest, I watched it to watch it. I want to see what it was like, and I was too impressed with it. It was good, but I am not running to the store to buy it
Good Comic
I love the game and the comic really catches the feel of the it. I love to read about the stuff that the long gone heroes of paragon city once accomplished. Good read, even better game.
What a great movie
Man, I have been wanting to see this movie for a while and it was everything I expected and more. This is one of those movies that you can tell will be an instant classic. Robin Williams does exceptional, again, and ben stiller is always a good actor for any role. It was probably meant to be a kids movie, but man was it a good one. See it, no choice, you have to see this movie.
Eh, It was not what I expected.
This was a good movie, but it was more drama than I though it would be. The suspense and thrill scenes were enough to keep me watching, but I was really expecting more action. Blockbuster had it filed under action, so I was expecting something a little different, but it was ok overall. The concept was pretty original and kinda makes you wonder what the future may hold. A good movie if you are into the scifi-drama genre.
Long, but worth it
Man, this movie is a long one, but it is a good one. A good vs. evil complex is what this movie is all about. Being the last ones on the planet is just a strange thought, and this is a movie that can show you what 'might' happen after a earth destroying plauge. I would say that if you have an afternoon to kill, pick this up and watch it.
Great Wartime Movie
This was your classic "Soldier alone 'Behind enemy lines'" It has a great story line and a good amount of action as well. With political and physical confritation, this movie is a must see for anyone who likes movies of this genre.